Mangaldai: Darrang Police has announced a cash reward of Rs 2 lakh to any person with information regarding the recent incident of taking away the horn of a living full-grown rhino using a tranquillizer in Orang National Park and Tiger Reserve (ONPTR).

Superintendent of Police, Raj Mohan Ray said that the cash reward was announced to any individual or organization providing any information or clue about the gang or individuals connected with the crime. 

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He informed that people may call on 94357-46075 if they have any leads into the case.

The identity of such individuals would be kept confidential. 

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It may be mentioned for the first time in Assam, poachers allegedly changed their modus operandi and used tranquillizers on a rhino.

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The gang then chopped off the horn just like experts without killing the rhino.

The SP added that the police will take stern action on this gang of poachers.


Mayukh Goswami is Northeast Now Correspondent in Mangaldai. He can be reached at: [email protected]