Margherita police on Friday night seized one Tata Magic vehicle loaded with 7 sacks of Coal concealed inside the passenger seat.

According to police, the vehicle bearing registration number (AS 23 CC 5224) was coming from Namdang under Margherita police station. The driver fled from the scene.

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Acting on a tip of information, Margherita police conducted the raid and seized the vehicle.

“Illegal trade of Coal has been going on secretly in Margherita. The coal smugglers are using every possible way to smuggle coal from the region,” said a source.

Despite the ban on illegal coal mining in the Margherita region, the coal thieves are using every possible way to transport coal from the Margherita and Ledo area of the Tinsukia district in upper Assam.

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“We have received information regarding the illegal transportation of coal. We have seized the vehicle but the driver managed to flee from the scene. We have taken all possible measures to stop illegal transportation of coal from Margherita,” said a police official.

Sources informed that illegal coal mining has been secretly going on in the Namdang area and the coal thieves are doing it in an organized way.


Avik Chakraborty is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dibrugarh. He can be reached at: [email protected]