The Assam Jatiyatabadi Yuva Chatra Parishad (AJYCP), on Monday, took out a massive rally in Dibrugarh town demanding a halt in construction activities of the 2000-MW Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project (SLHEP) near the Assam-Arunachal border at Gerukamukh.

The AJYCP activists marched to the Dibrugarh deputy commissioner’s office and raised slogans against the construction of the mega dam.

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The AJYCP has been strongly opposing the construction of the mega dam saying that the project would be a major disaster for people living in the downstream areas.

“By keeping people in the dark, the NHPC resumed construction activities during the lockdown period. We have been opposing its construction since the beginning, as it is being built in an earthquake-prone area,” the AJYCP said.

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AJYCP Dibrugarh district president Bhaben Sonowal added: “The NHPC is ignoring the findings of the expert committee which has warned about the potential threat from the project. In the event of a major earthquake, the whole dam can collapse. The government must immediately halt the construction process.”

In 2003, the Centre had given nod to the Subansiri Lower Hydro Electric Project after which construction started in 2005.

The deadline for finishing the country’s largest hydro power project was set for 2014 but the project came to a grinding halt in December 2011 following widespread protests by anti-dam groups.

Since then only routine maintenance work were being carried out.


Avik Chakraborty is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dibrugarh. He can be reached at: [email protected]