Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu handed over a letter of appreciation and citation to Colonel Gagan Sharma, Commanding Officer of sixth Grenadiers posted in international border at Tawang on Saturday, informed CMO Itanagar.
The letter was given for Colonel Sharma’s active assistance to the district administration and civil agencies for organizing the Maitree Diwas befittingly the previous year in September.
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Khandu appreciated Colonel Sharma for his yeoman service to the country, to the people of Arunachal and for building harmonious relations with the locals.
Earlier, the CM also inaugurated the Army cafeteria at Shungetser Lake well known as Madhuri Lake in presence of Tawang MLA Tsering Tashi.
The Chief Minister also met and interacted with the Army Jawans of sixth Grenadiers and Gorkha Rifles posted near the international boundary.
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