Arunachal Pradesh chief minister Pema Khandu on Tuesday requested the Centre to clear the pending road project for Package B and C of 4-laning of the Itanagar-Banderdewa road.

Khandu, who, on the day attended a video conference of transport and PWD ministers of all states chaired by union minister of road transport and highway Nitin Gadkari said ‘work on all-important highways in the State are being carried out in this lockdown period’ adding ‘land acquisition issues are also being taken up on priority’.

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Stating that connectivity is priority for the State, the chief minister requested the union minister to also clear the pending package C of 2-lane Hukanjuri-Khonsa road of NH315A and protection and mitigation of landslides and erosions for 4-lane Hollongi to Itanagar highway.

The meeting was called for ensuring hassle free movement of goods in the lockdown period.

Khandu said movement of essential goods into the State is being carried out smoothly while maintaining all precautions to prevent spread of coronavirus.

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Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]