Laziness is a very bad habit but people who are too addictive to it i.e. he / she is lazy can even lose weight with the help of some simple tips.
A number of people want to lose weight these days mostly because it makes one look good and also protect him/ her from various ailments.
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However, losing weight is not an easy process and it requires much compromise and dedication to shed those extra kilos to ultimately get a slim figure.
If you are one who is too lazy or doesn’t have much time to indulge in weight loss routines but is still a fitness conscious person by heart, you can follow these simple tips as suggested by nutrition consultant Neha Sahaya-
1. Drink water before and after your meals
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Sahaya suggests that you must try to drink water 20 minutes before your meals. Moreover, it is also essential to consume water after 20 minutes of eating your food. The nutritionist advises on using this method for eating regular meals as well as snacks.
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2. Walk post your lunch and dinner for 15 minutes
A 15 minute walk daily after having your lunch and dinner will be highly beneficial for you. She even suggested that following this exercise after breakfast would also be great and would definitely make you see changes in your weight.
3. Do 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups
Sahaya advises that you should make sure to do atleast 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups anytime during the day. While these exercises might be difficult initially, it would later be super easy for you to do.
4. Have a cup of vegetables before lunch and dinner
When you consume a cup of vegetables before lunch and dinner, a mesh is created in the intestine, the blood sugar levels rises slowly and the stomach will already be half-filled.
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5. Switch to healthy desserts
If you are craving for something sweet, Sahaya suggests mixing some dates or strawberries in a bit of chocolate sauce and consuming it.