The Arunachal Pradesh BJP on Thursday alleged that it was the opposition Congress that misled the youths and incited them to carry out massive rampage in Itanagar during the recent anti-PRC agitation that led to the loss of three lives and destruction of several government and private property.

The accusation from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) comes a day after several opposition parties of the state including the Congress met Arunachal governor BD Mishra at Raj Bhawan here and demanded dropping of chief minister Pema Khandu from his post.

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Alleging that the recent tension erupted due to the failure on the part of chief minister Khandu and his government to maintain law and order in the state, the opposition parties also demanded that President’s Rule be imposed in Arunachal Pradesh.

“PRC is a handy work of the Congress as it was its president Takam Sanjoy who had initially advocated for granting PRCs to the non-Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribe (APST) communities and had later went on to deny it. The BJP government has in fact closed the PRC chapter by issuing a gazette notification which states that the matter will not be taken anymore,” Dominic Tadar, senior vice president of the BJP said.

Tadar also alleged that the Congress took advantage of the genuine protests initiated by a few student and youth organisations against Permanent Residential Certificate (PRC) on February 22.

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They (Congress) provoked the protestors, even school going minors to create unrest in the capital, he said.

Tadar said the opposition has no genuine concerns to raise, hence it took up the issue of artificial deteriorating law and order to demand the resignation of chief minister, his deputy Chowna Mein and union minister of state for home Kiren Rijiju.

“The recent unrest in the capital, destruction of property and even daylight robbery and arson were in fact carried out by the Congress and it goons,” Tadar said.

The BJP also said that the Congress, People’s Party of Arunachal, Janata Dal (Secular) and National People’s Party did not attend the all-party meeting called by chief minister Khandu on February 25 because they had themselves created the problematic situation.

“The sequence of events that unfolded since February 22 makes it clear that these political parties tailored the unrest in State,” said Tadar while adding that none of the property belonging to the opposition were even touched upon and only the ones belonging to the BJP members were vandalised.

The BJP further stated that the government has already announced for a judicial probe into the incidents and the truth would be unearthed soon.

Meanwhile, the opposition parties have threatened to stage a democratic protest in front of the Raj Bhawan if their demands are not met by Saturday.


Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]