File picture of Prime Minister Narendra Modi being greeted by Mizoram CM Lal Thanhawla in Mizoram on December 16, 2017. Photo : S Hmar

With the Assembly elections round the corner in Mizoram, the ruling Congress on Saturday made a starling allegation against the BJP saying that it had piled up money in the state which had been kept either with the Assam Rifles or with the CRPF.

Mizoram CM and PCC chief Lal Thanhawla alleged, “The BJP leadership will start their election campaign as they have done in Nagaland and Meghalaya. They are planning to pump in crores of rupees. It could be the either the Assam Rifles or the CRPF who have been secretly guarding the cash.”

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The veteran Congress leader went on accusing the BJP of horse trading in other northeastern states and said that they were trying to do the same in the coming Mizoram polls.

“They will go on a political shopping to form a government by any means, but Mizoram will be different, their money will be useless because the Congress party will come up with enough numbers to form a government,” Lal Thanhawla said.

Lal Thanhawla said his party has untied each and every knot tied between them and the BJP in Chakma Autonomous District Council (CADC) adding that his party was fed up of playing ‘hide and seek.’

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Speaking at a political session at Congress Bhavan, the longest serving chief minister of Mizoram said that his party was fed up of the dilly-dallying policy of the BJP members of the CADC.

“The Congress has formed a government at the CADC with the support of the BJP council members. Six members of the BJP resigned saying that they could not support the BJP chief executive member. They told us that they could not work with the MNF. But the indecision of the BJP members have crossed our comfort zone,” Lal Thanhawla said.

Lal Thanhawla also charged the MNF party of Mizoram as being a faithful partner of the BJP under the NEDA banner.

Mizoram will go to polls on November 28, the state BJP has already named 13 candidates for the election. BJP has contested in the last three elections of Mizoram but yet to open an account.


Sangzuala Hmar is Northeast Now Correspondent in Aizawl. He can be reached at: [email protected]