With Hima Das joining the league of Priyanka Chopra, Assam has now two brand ambassadors. But the two brand ambassadors of the state depict a picture of contrast.
Hima, the next door girl, is close to the heart of all. She hails from a farmer’s family. The golden girl’s picture eating rice with her mother sitting on the floor of her home has already gone viral on social media. But Priyanka’s picture with dishes in front of her delineates the contrasting picture of the two ambassadors.
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Assam tourism last year signed up the Quantico actor Priyanka Chopra as its brand ambassador in a direct deal with her firm Purple Pebble Pictures (PPP).
While the government decided to name Hima as the sports ambassador because of her feat, the tourism department signed a two-year contract with Priyanka Chopra without specifying the fee to be paid to her for the job.
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