Horoscope Today
Daily horoscope

Horoscope Today | 12 October 2023: If you are interested in astrology, take a look into your horoscope for today (12 October 2023).

A horoscope reveals the unique destiny of each individual, offering insight into the paths they will take in life.

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We have listed the horoscope for the day (12 October 2023) without missing any signs.

Here is the horoscope for 12 October 2023:


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Why wait until the weekend to indulge in sacred self-care rituals? No time like the now, Aries. No time like today! So, go for the leisurely walk in the woods, smell the roses, sip on some lavender tea and watch the sun make its way back to the shore. Not in the mood for nature therapy? Book a spa day at your favourite boutique resort and give yourself the permission to unwind.


You feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. You want to do what’s right for the collective but you don’t want to betray yourself in the process. Yes, there’s a way to find a middle ground here. Make time for contemplation. Just don’t do that thing where you let guilt guide your decisions. As such, making peace with the past is also showing up as a theme for you this dark moon. Ask yourself what you need to let go of in order to make space for more lightness and brightness in your life.


At any point of time, you have two options: to let life make you bitter or choose better despite everything that transpired in the past. Something tells us you’re in the mood to choose better! Something tells us you’re in the mood to let go of the baggage and create space for light to enter! On the interpersonal front, peace is showing up as a big theme for you this dark moon.


What gives you a reason to wake up with a spring in your step and a smile on your face? Today, you’re being encouraged to think of your purpose as a journey rather than a destination as you commit to showing up for the big dream in a consistent manner. By surrendering “the why” and “the how”, you will be able to step into the quantum field of miracles! As for the prosperity you desire and deserve? Trust that it will find its way to you as long as you stay true to your path!


Allow yourself to be and to breathe, Leo. Allow the truth to reveal itself in divine time. Your angels and spirit guides are trying to get through to you, beautiful. Those who’ve been working on awakening their inner healer are being encouraged to step into their power and share the medicine of love with those around.


It’s not easy being the one breaking generational curses, redefining the rules and rewriting history. But, someone’s got to do the dirty work, boo! Just a reminder: you won’t always receive a pat on your back for all the ways in which you are showing up for yourself and the collective. On some days, you may even face resistance and/or opposition. For the sake of your own sanity, let go of your attachment to a specific outcome. Trust that the divine forces are working with and through you to make big shifts happen which will manifest in divine time.


Are you beginning to resent your responsibilities? Is a role that once brought you pleasure now becoming a source of pain? It’s time to turn your gaze inwards, Libra. It’s time to find a balance between giving and receiving. Remember, you cannot be of service to The Whole by diminishing your own needs. As a way to prepare for the new moon in your sign, offer a self-limiting belief to the metaphorical fire as you make space for growth and expansion.


You’re tired of the constant chatter. You’re tired of the air kissing and the small talk. You’re tired of pretending to care about the things you care little about. So, turn your gaze inwards, beautiful. Give yourself the time you need to be and to breathe, to hit the reset button if that’s what is required right now. Just a reminder: you are in the midst of your healing era! It’s okay to prioritise self-growth over everything else.


But, how do you hold space for yourself, Sagittarius? How do you love and nurture yourself in times of need? This is your reminder to show up as your own Divine Mother. To fill your own cup and replenish your inner resources. Remember, we are stepping into the dark moon portal. It’s but natural to feel sensitive at this time. Avoid harsh environments and surround yourself with those who make you feel safe. If miscommunication has been an issue, find a gentle way to let the other know how you feel about the given situation.


You could take the easy way out and hit the jackpot if you wanted to. But you know that this kind of success won’t last. You’re all about the big goals and the long-term vision. You know that your sweat, blood and tears will yield magnificent results in due course of time. So don’t get distracted, Capricorn. Continue to pursue your dreams with single-minded focus and remember that the mysterious forces are supporting you at every step along the way.


Aquarius, things are looking as good as they feel! The upcoming new moon in Libra is likely to bring opportunities for growth and expansion into your yard! The important thing to ask yourself when making a decision is: “will the given offer help me blossom into the best version of myself and shine my light in all the ways that I am meant to?” Something tells us you were born to make radical change and plant the seeds of change on a collective level!


But, life never gives us anything we are unprepared to handle. Every experience is divinely orchestrated. Every opportunity we attract? In alignment with our soul’s growth. So walk self-doubt to the exit door as you replace fear with faith. It’s time to stretch and grow, Pisces. It’s time to put your faith back in yourself and take that metaphorical leap of faith.