Guwahati: In an unprecedented incident, an advocate of the Gauhati High Court was on Friday removed from the court campus for wearing jeans during the hearing of a case.
Advocate Bijan Kumar Mahajan was moved out of the court when the court was hearing an anticipatory bail plea.
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HC Judge Justice Kalyan Rai Surana directed the police to “de-court” lawyer Bijan Kumar Mahajan for not being in the mandated attire.
The Advocates Act, 1961 requires all practising lawyers to wear a black coat or robe over a white shirt with a neckband while attending or making submissions in court proceedings.
The Bar Council of India (BCI) Rules on Professional Standards reiterates the same and adds that advocates should always be presentable in court.
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The court also adjourned the hearing of the petition for a week. Mahajan was the counsel for the petitioner.
“Let this order be brought to the notice of Honourable Chief Justice as well as the learned Registrar General. The matter be also brought to the notice of Bar Council of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh,” Justice Surana said in the order.