Weekly Horoscope (7 Nov to 12 Nov): 

Due to the change of positions of the planets, new challenges will emerge in the second week of November. Between rare total lunar eclipse on Monday and the dynamic aspects of Venus with Saturn and Neptune, this week is going to bring relationships and security to the forefront. It will also affect the financial, career and relationship status of the zodiac signs.

Check your astrological prediction here to know what the stars have in store for you this week:


According to Ganesha, this week can be beneficial for the people with Aries sign. You can get many opportunities to improve your career in during this period. However, it will be difficult to maintain balance in your personal life. Spending quality time with your elders and take good care of them will give solace to you. You need to keep a constant check on your health from time to time.  There will be many responsibilities in your professional life at this time. For a new project and long-term success, you must impress your seniors. Save your income as much as possible so that you can invest in some useful place. Spending unnecessarily will waste all your savings.


This week, Ganesha says,  you will experience a very good. You may be able to balance your personal and professional life and spend quality time alone. Along with this, it will help you in dealing with the difficulties of life. You have to resolve differences with your family members. This is not the time to argue impulsively with your relatives. At present, Taurus sign people focus only on their work. Avoid negativity around you and complete all your tasks on time. Otherwise, you may have to face unfortunate situations due to a lack of energy and focus.

This is a good time for people involved in the prospect-based business. Your income will remain stable and you will also be able to invest in profitable sources of income. There is also a possibility of getting benefits from inheritance. Try to develop a strong relationship with your partner. This week will be an important time for you and your family, as you will have to make decisions that will change your life.


According to Ganesha, you have to face many problems this week. You need to be very careful while interacting with people. Your family matters may trouble you immensely. In this way, you do not get involved in any debate with your family members. Otherwise, the situation will go out of your control. Try to keep an eye on your children as they could be in danger. Now you should concentrate on your work. Otherwise, you may be unable to perform your tasks and you may have to face criticism from the management. It’s a good time to think about marriage prospects. However, you need to be careful while testing someone. Give some time to improve the relationship.


Ganesha says this week is going to be full of fun for you. You will be able to achieve new heights of success by focusing on your personal life as well.  May this time be memorable for you and your family. There will be many happy moments in your personal life. You will soon welcome a new member of the family. To get new opportunities and projects, you need to impress your seniors. You can get the support of your colleagues through good communication. Apart from this, students should also take advantage of the opportunity to appear in competitive examinations this week. Keep your money under control for some time so that you can invest in profitable sources of income. This will determine whether you will have a stable life ahead of you. Cancer natives should communicate effectively with their partners, otherwise, misunderstandings will arise. If you are in a serious relationship, now is a good time to consider marriage.


Ganesha says may this week be difficult for you and your family. You can’t organize your life in the best way. However, you must always remain optimistic in life to make the necessary changes. Your personal life may go through many troubles. You are not able to communicate with people properly. Avoid misunderstandings with your family members during this time. Your professional life will remain stable, but you need to impress your seniors quickly. Otherwise, you will not get the desired position at your workplace. This is the right time to think about new business possibilities, but it should not be too risky. Leo signs people need to control their expenses at this time. To enjoy peacefully with your partner, try to share every problem in front of your partner.


Ganesha says this week will be very beneficial for the people. You may be able to make the necessary changes in your life. This change will also enable you to be strong and independent and start afresh. Your family members will be very supportive at this time and will guide you on the right path in life. Your children can be a cause for concern, so try to pay attention to them from time to time. Your professional life will require more time and energy. There are also signs of travel during this time when you will be able to spend time with yourself. Your financial condition will improve, which will enable you to invest more wisely. You need to manage your savings, otherwise, your financial condition may deteriorate soon. People in a relationship should also heed the advice of their partner and apply it when needed. This is the best time for singles to consider marriage options.


Ganesha says this week is going to be very good for the you. During this you may be able to organize your life properly. Try to bring some changes in your life and don’t let the opportunities at hand go to waste. You will experience many problems in your personal life. Do not let this affect your professional life and try to remain calm. Avoid arguments with your parents. At this time your financial condition will be stable and you can invest in something profitable. In the near future, you will get huge benefits from it. Positive changes will be seen in your relationship with your partner. You may also plan for a fresh start and welcome a new member to your family soon. Libra sign people will get many good news and opportunities in the second week.


According to Ganesha, this week will be stable for Scorpio sign people and for their families. No matter what the situation is, you need to avoid negativity in your life. Take care of your parent’s health and make sure you spend quality time with them. You should also take care of your siblings so that they can confide in you and talk openly about certain things in front of you. This time will be suitable for students appearing in competitive examinations. This time will be favorable for people associated with the scientific field. You need to keep an eye on your expenses from time to time. The instability of your financial situation can affect you to a great extent. Make sure you save as much as you can. During this time your relationship with your partner will improve, do not worry too much about this subject.


Ganesha says this week can be full of troubles for the people of Sagittarius. It may mainly relate to your family and your loved ones. Resist the negativity and try to focus on the aims and goals of your life. You need to listen to your parents. Try to be patient with your family members, as they may cause you concern. Very soon, you will be able to achieve something big in life, thereby improving your personality. You are going to make your job more attractive. A new opportunity awaits you, where you can utilize your creativity in the best possible way. Spend quality time with your partner. If you are in a relationship then you can think of marriage. The second week is going to be full of mixed emotions.


Ganesha says for the people of Capricorn, this week will be good for bringing some changes in life. It can help you emerge as a trustworthy and mature human being. During this time your family will rely on you in important matters. This is a good time to consider buying a home for your family. You need to concentrate on your work as much as possible. At this time Capricorn signs people complete all the unfinished tasks so that they can start something new. There will be many opportunities in your life, so try to get to each of them as soon as possible. When you will be able to invest in something profitable then your financial condition will improve. In terms of relationships, you should maintain a good relationship with your partner. Share your problems clearly so that you can always have confidence in your partner.


Ganesha says this week will be auspicious for the people of Aquarius. You may be able to make wise decisions and make good choices, which will affect your life forever. Your family needs to understand your priorities at present. You should not ignore the advice of the elders of your family. Spend some time with them and plan for this weekend’s outing. You will be able to impress your seniors and maintain a stable career. Your colleagues will always be very supportive of you. Plan a surprise for them this week so that you can make them happy and satisfied. The financial condition of Aquarius sign people will remain stable, so there is nothing to worry about. While you can increase your savings, it is also a good time to consider risky investments. The stars are on your side, so this is a good time to pay attention to them.


Ganesha says Pisces sign people and their families will have to face difficulties this week. Very soon, you will be able to see new beginnings and positive growth. If there is any problem in your family then you will feel uncomfortable and tense. During this, explain to your parents about the desires of your life. It can be a tough time, but you will be able to handle it perfectly. Your professional life is also not going very well. Your seniors and higher officials will try to force you to do some work. But nothing will bother you as your colleagues will be there to encourage you. You have to take a big step to make the necessary changes. Your financial condition is likely to improve. However, this is not a good time to invest. Your relationship with your partner will deteriorate. Try to express your feelings to avoid misunderstandings.