Oil India Limited(OIL) on Friday wrote to Baghjan Gaon Yuba Milanjyoti Sangha, requesting them to lift the blockade at Baghjan EPS as this has been causing severe problems to the workers who are working at Baghjan no 5 oil well in Tinsukia.

The letter was written by OIL resident chief executive Dilip Kumar Das seeking assistance from Baghjan Gaon Yuba Milan Jyoti Sangha to lift the blockade at Baghjan.

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“From the initial days of Baghjan no 5 oil blowout, you people are giving all assistance to us by standing with us during our bad days. Therefore, we thanked you for your kind assistance by helping us during the rough days,” the OIL letter stated.

“Our workers and experts are working at the Baghjan no 5 oil well to control the blaze coming out from the affected oil well. We all want that the ongoing problem at Baghjan will end soon and normalcy will return soon at Baghjan,” the letter added.

“We are working hard to control the fire at Baghjan no 5 oil well for the last several months but due to some technical reason, we are not successful fully in our attempt. Our main work is to present at the site and to review the ongoing work to avoid any kind of eventualities,” Dilip Kumar Das, stated in the letter.

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From September 16, the affected villagers of Baghjan under the banner of Baghjan Gaon Yuba Milanjyoti Sangha blocked the Baghjan EPS and road to Tinsukia and Doomdooma  for an indefinite period.

The roads have been blocked in protest against the delay in payment of compensation.

The ongoing works of OIL at Baghjan was affected due to the blockade. OIL had successfully diverted the gas and condensate to Baghjan EPS after several unsuccessful attempts.

The agitated villagers staged a protest on the road by making makeshift camp for pressing for their demand.

The letter stated, “From many days the workers are working at the Baghjan no 5 oil well without any rest. So, we want to change them with new workers which are very necessary. We want your kind cooperation to help us to change them with new workers,”.


Avik Chakraborty is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dibrugarh. He can be reached at: [email protected]