NEET 2020

The result of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main is very likely to be released by the National Testing Agency (NTA) today.

Candidates who had appeared for the JEE Mains 2020 exam should note that the JEE Mains Result will be released on the official websites — or

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Officials of the National Testing Agency (NTA) told the Northeast Now that JEE Main result 2020 for the September examinations is likely to be declared today.

The results are expected for around 8.58 lakh students who had registered for the JEE Main exam at 660 centres across India. However, because of COVID19 pandemic, only 6.35 lakh students had appeared the JEE Main 2020 exam.

The JEE Main result 2020 is the most crucial entrance examination for those students who aspire to be engineers.

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In fact, the JEE Main examination is a gateway to admission to various engineering colleges in India. The JEE Main 2020 exam was held across India from September 1 to 6.

The top 2.5 lakh candidates who qualify the JEE Mains exam will have to appear JEE Advanced 2020 for admission in all the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT).

Though the NTA officials have not disclosed the time of the release of JEE Main 2020 result, there is every possibility that it would be declared by evening.

As per the schedule released by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA), the JEE Main 2020 ranks will be released by September 11.

The JoSAA regulates the seat allocation process for admission to 111 engineering institutes through JEE Main ranks.

JEE Main Result 2020: How to Check?

Follow these steps to download JEE Main result for the September exam:

Step 1: Click on the link provided above or visit the official websites of JEE Main — or and click on the link “View Result/Scorecard”.

Step 2: Enter your Application Number and Date of Birth

Step 3: Enter the security pin number provided there

Step 4: Click login

Step 5: Check your JEE Main scores from next page

Step 6: Download the result and take a print of the same for future reference

JEE Main Result 2020: Answer Key

The NTA had released the JEE Main answer keys September 8.

Amid COVID19 pandemic, out of the 8.58 lakh registered candidates for JEE Main 2020 in September, only 6.35 lakh had finally appeared for the exam.

This implies that over 2.2 lakh students, or over 25%, did not write the JEE Main exams.