One 20-year-old Sayeda Begum, who is a resident of No 2 Shyampur village was killed while three others including two children sustained serious injuries when lightning struck them at Shyampur and Boroipara villages under Dalgaon Revenue Circle in Darrang district on Monday morning.
The injured were immediately admitted to the Kharupetia Public Health Centre (PHC) in the district.
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Among the three injured, 12-year-old Sabina Khatun and 14-year-old Hamidur Rahman hail from No 2 Shyampur village while the other injured 24-year-old Jorina Begum is a resident of Boroipara village.
In Shyampur, lightning along with thunder showers struck the residences while in case of Boroipara, lightning hit the victim in the public field.
It may be mentioned that the northeastern region of the country remained dry almost throughout the month of February. Despite witnessing some light spells during the second week of the month, rains remained only on the lower side of this region.
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However, since Friday last some parts of the Northeast India have witnessed some light spells. But these rains remained mainly confined to only Assam and Arunachal Pradesh in the region.
On Monday along with other parts of Assam rains along with thunderstorm hit several parts of Darrang district.