The Council of India School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) on Friday announced that the remaining ICSE (Class X) and the ISC (Class XII) exams for this year will be held from July 1 to July 14.
The ICSE exams will be held from July 2 to July 12 and the ISC exams will be conducted from July 1 to July 14.
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The CISCE has also released the time tables for the remaining ICSE and ISC exams that are yet to be conducted.
The examination of each subject will start at 11 am.
The pending ISC exams that will be conducted by the CISCE includes Biology Paper 1 Theory (July 1), Business Studies (July 3), Geography (July 5), Psychology (July 7), Sociology (July 9), Home Science Paper 1 Theory (July 11), Elective English (July 13) and Art 5-Craft (July 14).
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The remaining ICSE exams that will be held by the CISCE includes Geography (July 2), Art Paper 4 (July 4), Group III Elective (July 6), Hindi (July 8), Biology (July 10) and Economics (July 12).
The board has asked the candidates to carry their own hand sanitizers and also made wearing of face masks or covers mandatory.
The candidates have also been asked to maintain social distancing norms.