Coronavirus Covid19
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A hospital in Ahmedabad in Gujarat has separated the wards of coronavirus patients and suspected cases on the basis of their religion.

A report in The Indian Express quoted a doctor Gunvant H Rathod of Ahmedabad Civil Hospital as saying that separate wards for Hindus and Muslims have been set up there in line with a state government’s decision.

“Generally, there are separate wards for male and female patients. But here, we have made separate wards for Hindu and Muslim patients.” Rathod said.

On being asked the reason for such segregation, he said, “It is a decision of the government and you can ask them.”

However, deputy chief minister and health minister Nitin Patel denied any knowledge of it, the report stated.

Ahmedabad Collector KK Nirala also denied any knowledge of the matter.

“There has been no such instruction from our side and we are not aware of any such government decision,” Nirala added.

Around 1200 beds for COVID-19 patients have been set up in the hospital.

As per hospitalization protocol, a suspected coronavirus patient is kept in a separate ward from those confirmed until the test results are not given.

Out of the 180 patients admitted in the hospital, 150 of them have tested positive for coronavirus.

40 of those 150 confirmed cases are reported to be Muslim.