Onions (file image)
Onions (file image)

Onions have several health benefits.

Most doctors also recommend eating onion along with food, because onion also proves to be effective in increasing resistance.

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Onion helps to eliminate dangerous diseases like cancer from the root.

Onions are rich in antioxidants and the vitamin C in it helps in preventing cancer.

During a recent research, it has been found that the consumption of red onion reduces the risk of disease like cancer.

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Canadian researchers say that red onions have properties that help eliminate cancer.

The elements present inside the red onion are active which prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Onions also promote such adverse environment for cancer cells that disrupt communication between cancer cells and prevent it from growing.

The anthocyanin in red onion enriches the scavenging properties of quercitin molecules.

Consuming onion is not only helpful in ending cancer, but it also ends many other diseases.

As soon as summer arrives, consuming onion does not cause heatstroke.

Also read: Foods that help prevent cancer

Massaging the head with the onion juice and stops the breakage of the hair and strengthen the hair roots too.

Resistance of onion consumption increases so much that diseases do not occur quickly.

Consuming onion also increases sperm count.

Onion purifies the blood in our body, when the phosphoric acid present in the onion is absorbed by our skin.

It helps a lot in purifying the blood.