1. Why fear when the greatest force stands behind you? When Mahadev is with you, no obstacle is too big, no fear too great! Har Har Mahadev!

1. Why fear when the greatest force stands behind you? When Mahadev is with you, no obstacle is too big, no fear too great! Har Har Mahadev!

2.  Dance truly is a universal language, and when you’re conquering summits, it’s all about embracing the journey and having fun along the way.

2.  Dance truly is a universal language, and when you’re conquering summits, it’s all about embracing the journey and having fun along the way.

3. Life is Beautiful… Keep Smiling, Keep Shining

3. Life is Beautiful… Keep Smiling, Keep Shining

4. Set yourself free from the past. Set yourself free from the expectations of others. Set yourself free to simply be yourself, and you will soar higher than you’ve ever dreamed.

4. Set yourself free from the past. Set yourself free from the expectations of others. Set yourself free to simply be yourself, and you will soar higher than you’ve ever dreamed.

5. Let the inner child free & fill your life with beautiful colors

5. Let the inner child free & fill your life with beautiful colors

6. Faith knows no boundaries

6. Faith knows no boundaries

7. Strong. Confident. Unstoppable.

7. Strong. Confident. Unstoppable.

8. Life is better when you’re dancing

8. Life is better when you’re dancing

9. Life is a party, so dress for it

9. Life is a party, so dress for it

10. It’s a game changer for a woman when she is willing to lose anyone, but she’s no longer willing to lose herself

10. It’s a game changer for a woman when she is willing to lose anyone, but she’s no longer willing to lose herself

Northeast Now


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