Every person in this world desires to live a luxurious life, attain money without making struggles and maintain peace of mind amidst hectic busy schedules

To attract peace, money and luxury instantly, you can follow these super affordable Vastu tips and see excellent results-

Use Perfumes Daily

Apply perfume daily after bath as the main benefits of these aromatic potions is it enhances the mood and helps lift your spirits.

Don’t be barefoot at home

Stop going around your house without footwear as staying barefoot can lead to foot problems such as heel pain and/or ball of foot pain and cause you extreme discomfort

Wear clear quartz crystals bracelets

Quartz crystal bracelets help to absorb and regulate energy in the environment and extreme versatility.

. Keep clear quartz tumbles near you

Try to keep carrying small crystals throughout the day as it is very beneficial, strengthens the connection between your energy and the crystals’ energy and help you in maintaining positivity

Paint walls of drawing room in white colour

White hues can provide a calm, neutral atmosphere, make the space appear larger than it is, reflect light coming in from any windows and provide a perfect backdrop for displaying artwork.