Star fruit (carambola) is a healthy fruit that can help the liver and speed up recovery from jaundice.

Star fruit (carambola) is a healthy fruit that can help the liver and speed up recovery from jaundice.

Here’s how it helps:

Here’s how it helps:

Cleanses the Liver – It has antioxidants that help remove toxins and keep the liver healthy.

Cleanses the Liver – It has antioxidants that help remove toxins and keep the liver healthy.

Keeps the Body Hydrated – Since jaundice can cause dehydration, the high water content in star fruit helps keep the body refreshed.

Keeps the Body Hydrated – Since jaundice can cause dehydration, the high water content in star fruit helps keep the body refreshed.

Boosts Immunity – The vitamin C in star fruit helps the body fight infections.

Boosts Immunity – The vitamin C in star fruit helps the body fight infections.

Improves Digestion – Its fiber helps with digestion and prevents constipation, reducing stress on the liver.

Improves Digestion – Its fiber helps with digestion and prevents constipation, reducing stress on the liver.

Leg Cramps or Pain While Walking: Restricted blood flow can cause discomfort in the legs.

Leg Cramps or Pain While Walking: Restricted blood flow can cause discomfort in the legs.  

Protects Liver Cells – The antioxidants in star fruit help prevent damage to the liver.

Protects Liver Cells – The antioxidants in star fruit help prevent damage to the liver.

Supports Bile Production – It helps the liver make bile, which breaks down bilirubin (the substance that causes jaundice).

Supports Bile Production – It helps the liver make bile, which breaks down bilirubin (the substance that causes jaundice).

Important: People with kidney problems should avoid star fruit, as it can be harmful. Always check with a doctor before eating it for jaundice.

Important: People with kidney problems should avoid star fruit, as it can be harmful. Always check with a doctor before eating it for jaundice.

Northeast Now

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