Kidneys help in filtering blood, removing waste through urine, producing hormones, balancing minerals, and maintaining fluid balance.

Avoiding or limiting foods that are rich in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus helps to reduce the risk of kidney diseases. Here are some foods that you should avoid in case of kidney disease:

– Avocados are a rich source of potassium. Avocados should be limited or avoided on a renal diet.

– Canned foods such as soups, vegetables, and beans are often avoided in case you are suffering from kidney disease.

– Bananas are a rich source of potassium and need to be limited on a renal diet.

– Dairy products like milk have a high content of phosphorus, potassium, and protein and need to be avoided in kidney disease.

– Oranges and orange juice likely need to be avoided or limited in a renal diet.