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As a part of Gaon Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) Mission Mode for preparation of plan for 2019-2020, State Institute of Panchayat and Rural Development, (SIPRD) of Assam conducted three satellite based training programmes for the gaon panchayat secretaries of the State from September 18 to 21.

A total of 1555 gaon panchayat secretaries of different gaon panchayats of Assam participated in the three days through the 16 Satellite Interactive Terminals (SITs) located at different centres of State Institute of Panchayat and Rural Development, Assam.

The inaugural session was addressed by Dr Bala Prasad, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India on September 18 last, about the roll out of the Gaon Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) Mission Mode,

N Islam, secretary, Panchayat and Rural Development, Government of Assam, also interacted with the gaon panchayat secretaries about the mission and how the department plans to roll it out in this State.

K Pegu, Director, State Institute of Panchayat and Rural Development, have gave a detailed presentation on state specific approach of the Gaon Panchayat Development Mission Mode and discussed about the calendar to be followed for different activities throughout the State during the mission mode.

Anupam Dutta, senior faculty member was the coordinator for these satellite based programmes,

Dr Achyut Akash Borah, principal, Extension Centre, Amoni, Jyoti Prasad Deka, faculty member, and Utpal Jyoti Borah, faculty member were the resource persons for these trainings.

They emphasized mainly on the role of gaon panchayat secretaries and how the data of Mission Antodaya can be analysed to prepare the poverty reduction plan for each the gaon panchayat and how finally the gaon panchayat development plan for 2019-20, can be finalized and approved through gram sabhas.

The team of satellite based network system under Udeepta Raj Brahma, hub engineer was instrumental for the successful conduct of these programmes.