Chief Minister Pawan Chamling inaugurated the first GST Consultancy Service Office on Saturday in Gangtok.
During the inauguration, the Chief Minister congratulated the eighteen youths who have started this consultancy service. He called upon the team to take up the mantle of creating awareness about GST in the State so that more youths will come forward with such innovative ideas.
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Expressing his delight in seeing the younger generation coming up with new and progressive ventures, Chamling said these are the steps towards becoming self-reliant so that schemes like the start-up scheme would be fully utilized. He also urged the younger generation to come up with new ideas in this age of science and technology and utilize the most of the unlimited opportunities provided by the State government.
The firm will also provide common registration, return and payment services to the tax payers and facilitate taxpayers by simplifying GST processes and helping Indian business to enhance its competitiveness.
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