The prestigious 8th Red Shield Division Polo Tournament begins with an impressive opening ceremony at the historic Mapal Kangjeibung in Imphal on Sunday. Photo: Sobhapati Samom

The prestigious 8th Red Shield Division Polo Tournament begins with an impressive opening ceremony at the historic Mapal Kangjeibung located in the heart of Imphal town on Sunday.

Altogether 13 polo teams will be contesting in the tournament. The opening ceremony was keenly witnessed by large number of army Personnel, general people and students of various schools including Sainik School Imphal, highlighting their interest in a heritage sport which originated in Manipur.

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Speaking on the occasion, Manipur Horse Riding and Polo Association president H Deleep Singh complimented the Army and Red Shield Division for supporting and promoting the traditional sporting culture of Manipur. H Deleep Singh who is the commissioner of state higher education and social welfare also thanked the Army for its endeavours in bringing peace and prosperity to the state. He further complimented the organising committee of the Army for their effort in conducting this tournament.

On the other hand Major General Virendra Singh wished all the participating teams the very best for the exhilarating matches and said competition of this nature inculcates in us the spirit to win and perform to the limits of our potential.

He further said encouraging young people to broaden the horizons of their ambition is vital and polo which is a competitive sport should play a major role in inculcating spirit of sportsmanship in the young and budding riders of Manipur. The day’s inaugural ceremony also witnessed an impressive band display by Indian Army and tent pegging exhibition by junior riders of Manipur.

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