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In order to combat delay in running of trains due to fog, the Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) has deployed a new GPS-based system for auto warning to train drivers, according to an Economic Times report.

An equipment called FogPASS (Fog Pilot Assistance system for Safety) consisting of an inbuilt battery and GPS antenna with magnetic base has been installed in all locomotives under NFR, the report stated.

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The device is placed on the consul of the pilot and as the train moves, it displays short description and remaining distance of next two landmarks in geographical order on an LCD screen.

Landmarks include signals of various types, level crossing gate etc. As a train approaches a station, the device will flash the distance left for the home signal of that station.

The Chief Public Relation Officer (CPRO) of NF Railway, Pranav Jyoti Sharma said, “Even if the pilot is unable to physically see the signal, he would be aware of how far the train is from the signal and would be alert to notice the aspect of the signal (red, green or yellow) and act accordingly. There is also provision of voice announcement in speakers attached with the device for attention of drivers.

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The new device has proved to be greatly helpful to drivers in the foggy weather, he added.

He also said a total number of 1,101 numbers of such devices have already been allotted to all divisions for fixing in locomotives.

Sharma further said during intense fog situation, railways normally face problem of shortage of crew resulting from longer working hours due to slower mobility, heavy crowing of waiting list passengers and non-availability of track maintenance slots due to reduced capacity apart from complete disorientation of timetable, the report added.


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