No question of comparison between Agreed Position and Framework Agreement, says NNPGs

Dimapur: The N Kitovi Zhimomi-led working committee of the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) said, there is no question of comparison between the “Agreed Position” and the “Framework Agreement”

In response to a recent statement by the NSCN (IM) about not comparing the two agreements, the NNPGs media cell released a statement saying, “We do not want to compare the Agreed Position with the Framework Agreement, signed on August 3, 2015. The Framework begins by stating the Indo-Naga political conflict has lasted for over six decades.”

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The committee called this a betrayal to the many Nagas who gave their lives before 1955.

The WC stated that the “Agreed Position,” signed on November 17, 2017, is clear and without ambiguity. It was agreed upon by the Indian government to “recognize the historical and political rights of the Nagas to self-determine their future in line with their distinct identity,” aiming to resolve the Indo-Naga political issues in light of “contemporary political realities.”

In contrast, the WC noted that the Framework Agreement overlooks the “plebiscite” signed in 1951, the Naga declaration of independence in 1947, and the Naga memorandum to the Simon Commission in 1929.

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The WC pointed out that the Framework Agreement, signed before the Agreed Position, does not address issues like freedom, independent sovereignty, and the integration of Naga-inhabited areas.

“It buries these issues,” the WC said. “Now, it is too late to revisit them. We must be practical and prepare for a solution so that our people can determine their own future, free from outside interference.”

The WC urged peace-loving Nagas to compare the two agreements for a clear understanding.


Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]