
The United Naga Council (UNC) has urged the Manipur Government to try to reduce the increasing tension in the State particularly in Imphal valley alleging that the law and order situation has become ‘progressively’ bad to worst.

The UNC in a press statement issued on Wednesday said ‘deep animosity and distrust’ and the continuing confrontation between two ethnic groups is heating up in the State when the Naga people are striving for the restoration of peace and communal harmony to live together as a good neighbour.

“The Naga people have exercised maximum restrains to any challenges but is giving a cautionary message to face any forms of challenges and situations”, it stated.

The deep social divide and psychological division in the present state of Manipur will continue until and unless the hard facts of one’s history and originality is mutually honoured and respected, it asserted, while attributing that the present problem is the product of two different people living together from different origin and history.

Several attempts have been made politically, socially and culturally for the last many decades to maintain social harmony in the State, yet entire attempts were unsuccessful, it noted.

It held that the final settlement of Indo-Naga political issue at the earliest is the only answer to bring durable peace, security and stability in the region.

Moreover, the Naga political issue is a fact of life in South East Asia and this hard fact cannot be wished away by any forces, the UNC added.