IMPHAL: Amidst the relentless onslaught of Cyclone Remal, which has caused extensive damage to homes and properties for three consecutive days, Manipur governor Anusuiya Uikey issued an urgent appeal for calm.
The Manipur governor’s message came in response to a general advisory from the government aimed at ensuring the safety and preparedness of the public.
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Government Advisory and Governor’s Appeal
The advisory recommends that children and the elderly stay indoors, doors and windows be reinforced, loose objects be secured, and an emergency kit with essential items, including medicines, be prepared.
Manipur governor Uikey emphasized the importance of these precautions in her communique from Raj Bhawan.
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Expressing deep concern and sadness over the widespread damage, the Manipur governor highlighted the severe disruption caused by continuous rainfall.
The cyclone has particularly affected both the valley and hill districts, with low-lying areas heavily submerged.
Landslides on state and national highways 37 and 2 have further compounded the crisis by disrupting the main routes for transporting essential commodities, critically impacting their supply across the state.
Manipur Government’s Response
The Manipur governor assured the public that the state government is fully committed to taking all necessary measures to prevent the situation from worsening and to provide all possible assistance to those affected.
She urged all citizens to remain calm, avoid panic, and stay informed through official channels for updates.
Following the guidance provided by local authorities is crucial for safety during this challenging time.
Cyclone Remal has brought significant hardship to Manipur, with heavy rains and landslides wreaking havoc on infrastructure and daily life.
Manipur governor Anusuiya Uikey’s appeal for calm and the government’s proactive advisories aim to mitigate further risks and ensure the safety of all residents as the state navigates through this natural disaster.