gu press
Photo: Northeast Now

Following the amalgamation of the printing and the publication divisions in 2014, Gauhati University Press, the printing and publication wing of Gauhati University has, seen rapid progress with the rate of publication increasing with every passing year.

Gauhati University Press publishes academic books, research oriented books, text books, syllabus, ordinances, regulations, all university publication and assignment entrusted by the University.

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The press also carries out various printing task relating to official and departmental activities, printing of answer scripts for all examinations conducted by the University, printing journals, writing pads, examination related documents, registers and exercise books for students.

Gauhati University Press printed a total of 120 lakh answer scripts, published three new books and reprinted 28 books in the financial year 2017-2018, much higher compared to 2014-2015 when they published 60 lakh answer scripts, two new books and reprinted seven books.

In 2017-2018, Gauhati University Press published a total of 1,94,700 books and study materials for Institute of Distance and Open Learning (IDOL), Gauhati University.

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gu press 1
Photo: Northeast Now

On enquiring about the procedure of publication, the director in charge, Gauhati University Press, Bibhash Choudhury, said, “The writer sends a proposal for a publication, after that the manuscript is sent for review. If the review report is positive; market, target audience and readership are considered, only after this evaluation, it is sent to the Vice Chancellor for approval. If it is a work of research, it goes to a committee and the committee evaluates it. Only after getting the approval we publish it.”

He also added, “Printed books are sold to different booksellers, sent to departments and also sold from our sales counter.”

The press is in its 54th year of existence. Originally it was a letter press unit and housed in an Assam type building. Now Gauhati University Press has offset printing, digital printing and screen printing.


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