Dominic Sangma joined the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI) in Kolkata with the dream to find a place for himself as a filmmaker in Bollywood.

But in 2014, when he graduated from SRFTI, the dream had completely changed. He decided to come back to the northeast, and work closely with the people, and tell the world the untold stories.

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His debut film, MA.AMA won the Best Film Award in the 14th International Film Festival at Thrissur in 2019. The low-budget film was completed in June 2018.

But, his second feature film Rapture (Rimdogittanga) helped him to reach the international stage. It was selected for La Fabrique Cinéma, 2019 Cannes.

Dominic’s film was one of the 10 projects selected across the globe for this year’s Festival De Cannes. He is the third Indian budding filmmaker to be selected at La Fabrique.

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Famous film director Mira Nair is the patron and mentor of these projects. At Cannes, he had the opportunity to meet some of the leading producers, distributors and agents from Europe.

Lauding Dominic for his film, Mira Nair said it has been her mission to empower visionary film makers like him to share their stories to the world audience. Dominic makes films in the Garo language.

At present, he teaches direction at the Film and Television Institute in Itanagar. Domic’s films remain grounded in the oral storytelling traditions of his tribal forefathers.

From a remote tribal village in Garo hills of Meghalaya to the Festival De Cannes in 2019, was quite a difficult journey for Dominic.

His debut film Ma.Ama was co-produced by Chinese filmmaker Xu Jianshang. It was premiered in the 22nd Shanghai International Film Festival, and was nominated for two awards. The film Ma.Ama is now travelling all over the world.

Dominic is also hopeful that his second film Rapture (Rimdogittanga) is also now going to travel around the world.


Piyush Ranjan is a SEO Expert and a Writer.