Guwahati: Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Nitin Gadkari in a post said, in Arunachal Pradesh, an allocation of Rs. 6621.62 crore has been sanctioned for the construction of eight packages on National Highway-913, designated as the Frontier Highway, transitioning to an Intermediate Lane configuration using the EPC mode.
This comprehensive project spans a total length of 265.49 Km.
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He said, encompassed within this initiative are Packages 1, 3 & 5 covering the Huri-Taliha section, two packages addressing the Bile-Migging Section, Packages 2 & 4 managing the Kharsang-Maio-Gandhigram-Vijaynagar section, and Package 1 focusing on the Bomdila-Nafra-Lada section.
The Minister said the development of these highway stretches holds promise for enhanced connectivity to border areas, fostering socio-economic growth in the region.
The constriction of the Frontier Highway is anticipated to curb migration and facilitate reverse migration towards the border areas of Arunachal Pradesh.
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Additionally, these stretches play a vital role in establishing essential road infrastructure connecting significant river basins, thereby enabling the development of numerous Hydropower projects within the state.
This predominantly greenfield road is designed to link uninhabited and sparsely populated areas of Upper Arunachal, making it conducive to tourism and anticipating a substantial increase in traffic due to heightened tourism activities in the future, the minister added.