In a noble gesture, residents of Gokul Homes, a housing apartment located at Brasapara in Guwahati, Assam – in association with the Lions Club of Guwahati South, on Sunday distributed nearly 150 dry ration packets to the house helpers in the locality. 

The distribution of the ration packets was carried out in adherence to all government mandated COVID-19 protocols.  

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Each packet consisted of rice, dal, oil, potato, soya bean, sugar, salt and soap along with mask. 

These packets were distributed among the needy people by the residents of the apartment. 

The initiative was undertaken with a purpose to help the underprivileged whose income were hit due to partial lockdown due to pandemic. 

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Also read: Arunachal Pradesh: Lockdown in Itanagar Capital Complex extended with partial relaxations 

Notably, a week ago, residents of the Gokul apartment had contributed an amount of Rs 26 thousand for a security guard of the apartment, to help him carry out the last rites of his father. 

“In future, also the members of the apartment plans to carry out such welfare activities for the needy,” said an organiser.