Dibrugarh Police on Tuesday arrested four drug peddlers from different locations in Dibrugarh and seized 85 grams of brown sugar from their possession.

The drug peddlers have been identified as Sarat Saikia, Udipto Bora, Niki Saikia and Tutu Ali.

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Police also seized a Zen car bearing registration no (AS01M 0178) in this connection.

Dibrugarh superintendent of police Prateek Thube said, “After getting specific information about the drug peddlers, Dibrugarh Police launched an operation, led by officer-in-charge of Dibrugarh police station Rajib Saikia, TSI Arjun Singh and Gabarupothar in-charge Anupam Gowala.”

“During the operation, the team was able to arrest four drug peddlers from different locations of the town,” the SP said.

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The Dibrugah Police chief said three of the drug peddlers were arrested near Jagganath Temple while the other was arrested from Gandhi Nagar, the backside of VG hospital in Dibrugarh.

The seized brown sugar will cost Rs 7-8 lakh in the Indian market.

“We are investigating the linkages. Till now, we cannot reveal much about the case because our interrogation is on,” the SP said.

“We have launched a crackdown against drugs in Dibrugarh and so far, we have seized a large amount of contraband drugs and arrested many drug peddlers from Dibrugarh district. Our crackdown against drugs will continue,” he added.


Avik Chakraborty is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dibrugarh. He can be reached at: [email protected]