International Yoga Day being celebrated at Dima Hasao along with the rest of the world on June 21, 2018. Photo: Pankaj Kumar Deb

The fourth international yoga day was celebrated at various places of Dima Hasao along with the rest of the world on Thursday. The Dima Hasao district administration centrally organised a yoga programme at Indoor stadium, N L Daulagupu sports complex in Haflong.

Addressing the enthusiastic gathering of around 300 people that included students, office-goers, social workers and people from different walks of life, NC Hills Autonomous Council CEM Debolal Gorlosa said yoga exercise is a blessing given to mankind which is gaining momentum around the globe.

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Gorlosa said, “In order to have a happy and long life people should emphasise continued wellness from a young age rather at the later stage of life. The power of yoga has become one of the biggest mass movements across the globe in the quest for good health and wellbeing in today’s busy and stressful days”.

Dima Hasao DC Amitabh Rajkhowa in his speech highlighted various benefits of yoga and said it has become a positive influence in the lives of millions across the world.

Others present during the programme were Thaisodao Thaosen, Executive Member, Joint Director of Health services, ADCs, Asst Commissioners, officers and staff of various departments, school students and teachers and media person.

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Similar programmes were organised in other parts of the district including Maibang sub division.


Pankaj Kumar Deb is Northeast Now Correspondent in Haflong. He can be reached at:

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