Chinese tech giant Xiaomi faced flak after Itanagar and Arunachal Pradesh were missing from its weather app.

Many social media users have attacked the Chinese smartphone company raking the issue of Arunachal Pradesh being claimed by China.

The app allegedly did not show results for Itanagar and Arunachal Pradesh.

Xiaomi has said that a technical error in its weather app was behind its smartphones not displaying weather for locations in Arunachal Pradesh.

“We would like to clarify that the weather app on our devices uses data from multiple third-party data sources and we understand that for many locations, the weather-related data is not available on the current app,” the Mi India spokesperson clarified.

A lot of Xiaomi smartphones users complained on Twitter saying that in-built weather application does not return any results when they try to find a city or town in Arunachal Pradesh, not even the capital city of Itanagar.

The issue was highlighted on a youtube channel after being brought to notice by one Itanagar user on Saturday.

Many users have connected this issue with the ongoing Sino-Indian border dispute.

China had included parts of Arunachal Pradesh within its international boundaries as revealed by Sky Map’s April 2020 Version.