Courtesy: The Arunachal Times

The Arunachal Pradesh Government on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Smart Village Movement (SVM) to facilitate relevant technology innovations, R&D, open innovation, technology interventions and curriculum development in select villages of the State.

The MoU was signed by director-cum-member secretary of the State Council for IT & e-Governance, Neelam Yapin Tana on behalf of the State Government and Shreya Evani, Project Director, Smart Village Movement.

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Prof Solomon Darwin, executive director, Garwood Center for Corporate Innovations, University of California, Berkeley, who will be the advisor of the Smart Village Core Team said that it should not b confused with the term ‘Smart Village’.

Prof Darwin further elaborated that this movement is basically a digital platform and not to be understood as a scheme for creation or establishment of infrastructure in the village per se.

Smart Village is a community empowered by digital technologies and open innovation platforms to access global markets, he pointed.

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Project Director Evani informed that the SVM would immediately start up the project, which would involve the first six months (July-December 2018) in preparing the core team and do the ground work like capacity building, awareness and research, reaching out to universities, corporate pivoting and getting approvals for pilots .


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