Arunachal Pradesh Assembly deputy speaker Tesam Pongte along with the speakers of all other states and union territories had online interaction with Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla on Tuesday on the COVID19 situation.

Taking part in the discussion, Pongte extended his thankfulness to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for implementing the nationwide lockdown and other necessary steps to contain the COVID19 pandemic across the country.

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The deputy speaker informed that fowling the unwavering and dedicated efforts from the frontline workers of the state, Arunachal Pradesh is currently free of any COVID19 positive case after the lone person, who had tested positive, recovered from the same recently.

Pongte also briefed the Lok Sabha speaker on various activities taken up by the state government under the leadership of chief minister Pema Khandu to fight the COVID19 pandemic.

Speaker Birla, while addressing the speakers of all the states, highlighted on how the legislators can contribute to the fight against the global pandemic, both virtually and physically.

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He called upon the speakers to create awareness among the people through their members on COVID19 and its prevention.

Collective efforts are the need of hour to fight out this pandemic, he said.

Emphasizing the roles of the MLAs in the fight against the virus, Birla exhorted the legislators to remain in their respective constituencies and monitor the situation with the help of administration.

“MLAs must play a proactive role in their respective constituencies to prevent the coronavirus (COVID19) spread. They should encourage people to follow lockdown and promote social distancing,” he said.

The Lok Sabha speaker urged everyone to download the Aarogya Setu App in their mobile phones.

Birla further hailed the Kerala model of fighting the COVID19 pandemic and congratulated Goa and Arunachal Pradesh for successfully making the state free of virus.

Meanwhile, following Birla’s call for setting up control rooms should in state assemblies, it was informed that the same would be set in the legislative assembly here soon.

The control room would help in providing better coordination between states.

Nodal officers have been appointed and necessary guidelines would be shared soon, the speaker’s office informed.


Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]