Drilling of head race tunnel for the Tawang-II hydroelectric project located in Tawangchu river basin. Courtesy: Save Mon Region Federation

The Save Mon Region Forum (SMRF) has sought rollback of the NHPC’s 800 mw Tawang-II hydroelectric project (HEP), citing that the project would destroy the region’s cultural and natural heritage.

Notably, on February 14 early this year, a meeting had resolved that the proposed HEP would be rolled back

The meeting was attended by MLAs Jambey Tashi and Tsering Tashi, Tawang Deputy Commissioner, the land-affected people, and representatives of the SMRF.

Later, the decision of the meeting was submitted to the Chief Minister’s office.

The SMRF said though the decision of the meeting was made known to the government on many occasions, the State Government is yet to take a concrete decision.

The organization, which is spearheading the movement against big hydropower projects in the Mon region, said the people of the affected villages – Khet, Kudung, Kungba, Sazo, Poyto, Dugumba and Sakiyur – have again raised objection against the hydropower project through a resolution adopted on July 12 last.