The Aadhar based biometric attendance system was formally launched in the State Vigilance Commission in Kohima by Vigilance Commissioner Mayang Lima as part of the 100 days programme of the People’s Democratic Alliance Government.
The Vigilance Commissioner in his maiden official interaction with the officers and staff of the Commission said the State Vigilance Commission is a prestigious establishment which people look up to and he encouraged the Commission to maintain a higher standard and follow the biometric attendance system (BAS) strictly and set an example to the other departments.
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He expressed the hope that with the introduction of the BAS, the performance of the employees will improve and transparency will be maintained in attendance of the employees. He also acknowledged the contribution made by the IT Department in the installation of the BAS in the Commission.
In his speech I Meyionen, Director & DIGP, Vigilance & Anti- Corruption expressed his gratitude to the Vigilance Commissioner for the successful launch of the Biometric Attendance System (BAS) and installation of CCTV in the Commission within one month of taking over the charge. He also highlighted some problems faced by the Commission and hoped that the Vigilance Commissioner, being from the legal background, would be able to guide the Commission in legal as well as investigation matters.
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