Weekly Horoscope ( June 25-July 1, 2023)
How will the upcoming week be for you? People with Aries may face losses during this period. Taurus may feel a lack of confidence, which can have an effect on work. Gemini is likely to get back your cash from his lenders. Leo can expect some sensible gains from past investments. So read your horoscope predictions to know what ups and downs are going to happen in your life this week.
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Aries: Today, you’ll be under a negative moon; you will feel depressed. You’ll even have health issues. Income sources are likely to be stopped for any reason. Sleeplessness will trouble you this week. Your status in society can be affected as a result of your harsh speaking. Issues of conflict that will not resolve peacefully, and might lead to legal proceedings with the siblings. It’s suggested to keep mum during arguments. You’ll decide to visit some spiritual place of additionally for seeking peace of mind. You’re advised to stop new partnerships within the business for a while. Students are suggested to work hard to urge success in the academics. Last few days of the week, you’ll be blessed by the moon. You’ll be busy at work. Your performance at work will be appreciated from your boss, which could lead you towards promotions in the job.
Taurus: At the beginning of the week, you will be blessed by the positive moon. You’ll be busy at work. You’ll be able to maintain a balance between professional and domestic life. Your prestige in society will be increased. You’ll seemingly to begin a new partnership business with a prestigious person, who will facilitate to boost your business in a sensible position. You’ll implement new plans into your business. Your opponents and hidden enemies will be beneath control. Chronic health problems will be resolved. Last few days of the week, will be good, you’ll be blessed by positive moon. You’ll come out from the untidy situation with the blessings of the elders. You will plan for a few spiritual travel. Singles will likely to find soul mate. Love birds will make plan to convert the relation into marriage.
Gemini: The first three days of the week will bring positive news. You’ll be able to control over your opponents and enemies. You’ll conjointly control over your weaknesses, which can offer you internal strength and confidence to fight with the negative setting around you. Cash that was stuck will be recovered now, which will increase liquidity in your business. You’ll be in a very leading position in your workplace in terms of project. You’ll seemingly to urge incentives in terms of promotions. You’ll also expect to be won any litigation. Last few days of the week, your moon will be negative. You’ll feel boring and unhappiness because of unknown fear. You’ll be a victim of sleeplessness. You’ll be impatient, you will do some silly mistakes, which can give bad result on your current project.
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There’s an exciting new vibe in the air. Enthusiasm levels are high and you may feel like getting a lot done, while motivating the others around you to do the same. A pleasant surprise pops up from out of the blue. Or you hear an important announcement. Cancerians seeking to start their own business or launch their own consultancy will get the required help and support. If single, the cards urge you to be a little more assertive and go for it. Jump in and express your feelings. Travelling in this phase could lead to a holiday romance or you make a pleasant and memorable discovery.
The past is over and it’s time to let bygones go. A misunderstanding is resolved. Tension ebbs. And a peaceful conclusion to a long-standing problem is near. Stay calm and focused on day-to-day matters. And if someone is waiting for an apology, say it. Best to stay neutral about other people’s politics and don’t get pulled into someone else’s games. In financial matters, you realise it’s time to say no and put an end to those who’ve been taking advantage of your generosity. Becoming a little more communicative with a loved one brings back the harmony. Health matters show slow but steady progress.
Watch your expenditure. Sudden expenses could throw your budget off gear. Or hiring new recruits may prove to be expensive. Or someone makes a mistake that could mean hours of reworking. Don’t worry, this phase won’t last. And it will leave you a lot wiser. Relationships with women may be strained as you find yourself dealing with someone who’s not willing to change or listen to your point of view. Count to 10, blow off the steam and detach for a while. Time spent meditating or outdoors in nature will help you destress and bring things back to perspective.
Everyone needs you at the same time. And everything is an urgent job. Before it drains, you bring back the balance. Make sure you get your “me time” and make sure to delegate some of your chores as well. Obstacles will be overcome with a practical approach and making sure you keep your promises realistic. A short trip out of town could get exhausting. Watch out for bouts of insomnia and getting over exhausted by little things.
You feel like breaking away from your usual routine. There’s a part of you that is willing to take a few risks, professionally, financially and personally. Or you may decide to go for some adventure tourism to a destination you’ve never been before. Before you leap off, make sure everything is in place and in working order. Expenses could be high as you spend on domestic repairs or technical upgrades, or even change your car. And the last thing you feel like doing right now is listening to anyone and your family and friends may see you rebelling quite a bit. Health matters stay good as long as you remain mindful of your limits.
You may mediate between two conflicting souls without taking sides. Or try and reason with someone who’s angry. Realise some people may not be looking for advice, but just your silent support. Staying patient, calm and diplomatic with annoying people will help you in the long run. A promising project may get delayed temporarily. Or you have to suddenly alter your schedule for some last-minute changes. A family reunion or a meetup with old friends brings much needed laughter into your life.
Count to 10 before you lash out at someone. Anger is brewing. Or maybe you’re just tired and frustrated by your current circumstances. Blow off the steam non-violently or catch up with someone who understands the real you. Workplace tension could lead to sudden developments, including the departure of a key member of the team. Not a time to react, but to bide your time before things get clear. Allergies could flare up if you aren’t careful. And you may start thinking about ways to change your job or line of business.
When you focus on the present moment, the anxieties disappear. There’s a lot to be grateful for and the more you count your blessings, the more the Universe will shower you with good vibes. Singles could feel romantically inclined towards a charming young soul. Or you reconnect with an old flame and discover the feelings are still there. Work matters run fairly smoothly and you may hear about some positive developments or even receive a lucrative offer in the months ahead. But for now, just work on enjoying the present.
Time to work smarter and not harder. Better time management may be required. Think before you say something, pause before you press the button Send. And when it comes to other people, hold on before you trust someone blindly. An idea or a valuable may get stolen or, worse still, someone tricks you and disappears. Family responsibilities may require you to be a little more alert and sensitive to other people’s needs, even if they don’t say it, they may expect you to behave in a certain way. Money matters show improvement as you learn to manage money better.