People love eating street foods due to their finger-licking taste. One such street food quite popular among teenagers and young adults are momos.

Momos are quite tempting and people consume them to fulfill their cravings.

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However, this category of junk food has never been beneficial to our health rather it causes obesity and there are other health problems related to it.

Be it refined flour, monosodium glutamate or uncooked vegetables or the chutney served with it, these street food items may cause a lot of health issues.

Here are some health problems that can cause due to overconsumption of momos:

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  • Digestive issues

The refined flour used in preparing these edibles are a havoc to our digestive system and eating them daily can cause bloating, constipation and acidity.

  • Weight gain

Frequent consumption of these popular street food items can lead to obesity or weight gain. This increases the risk of having type 2 diabetes.

  • Heart disease

Eating momos regularly can lead to high blood pressure. The high sodium content in it can contribute to hypertension and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Uncooked vegetables

The stuffing of momos are not prepared in a hygienic manner or not washed properly. The vegetables when not cooked may cause diseases or certain infections.

  • MSG

Momos may contain monosodium glutamate (MSG) which may lead to obesity and other health issues. Mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) may also cause nervous disorder, sweating, and palpitations.

So, it is preferable not to consume momos on an everyday basis. It is much better to eat a fruit that is healthier and also increases the nutrition level of our body keeping you away from diseases.