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The district administration of eastern Assam’s Sivasagar has urged the denizens not to panic over the outbreak of coronavirus.

Meanwhile, the district Health department has taken all precautionary measures to prevent entry and spreading of the deadly coronavirus.

The deputy commissioner Lakhinandan Gogoi is constantly monitoring the measures taken by the district administration, Health and Tourism departments in this regard.

Also read: Coronavirus will not subside in summer, warns WHO

The deputy commissioner had already held a crucial meeting with district development commissioner Nawab Al Azar Ali and joint director of health services of the district civil hospital to contain the deadly virus.

Meanwhile, the district health department has arranged for health check-up of suspected coronavirus cases at Wood’s Dispensary.

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Morever, isolated rooms to quarantine suspected patients at the Sivasagar Civil Hospital have been set up.

The district administration and the Health department have also urged the people not to panic over the outbreak of coronavirus across the globe.

The authorities have also asked the people to take precautions and maintain certain hygienic habits in this regard.

People are urged to go for proper health check-up if someone is suffering from cold, cough and fever.

People are also asked to frequently wash their hands at regular intervals and avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.

People are also asked to maintain safe distance from those suffering from cough and cold.

People are also asked not to remain in empty stomach for long period of time.

The people are also advised to have proper nutritious food rich in protein and vitamins.

The district administration has also urged not to organize any programme involving mass gathering.