Different people have different traumatic experiences due to bad past experiences which may cause serious health conditions. Trauma has a severe impact on a person’s psychological condition on the psychological and behavioral patterns.

Everyone responds to trauma differently and the intensity vary from person to person based on their past experiences. These patterns may vary in intensity and duration depending on the severity of the trauma and the individual’s support system.

Here are a few behavioral patterns that develop after trauma:

  • Avoidance

A common reaction to trauma is to avoid any situation or person that may trigger memories of the past traumatic event. Some people may also try to avoid talking about the past event but talking about it may help you to move on from the trauma.

  • Hypervigilance

People who have experienced trauma may be hypervigilant, constantly on guard for potential threats or danger. They get a feeling that every people around them is harmful.  

  • Emotional numbness

Trauma can lead to a feeling of emotional numbness, making it difficult for individuals to feel joy, love, or happiness. People with trauma tend to loose happiness in anything.

·       Self-destructive behavior

People may engage in self-destructive behaviors, such as substance abuse, self-harm, or risky behaviors, as a way to cope with the emotional pain caused by trauma. They feel self-destruction is a way to calm themselves and develop extreme anger issues.


·       Insomnia

Trauma can lead to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, as well as nightmares or vivid dreams related to the traumatic event. People with trauma cannot calm themselves and get hyper in every little thing.