The much-awaited film Adipurush will be hitting the theatres on June 16. The film is inspired by the ancient epic Ramayana directed by Om Raut starring Prabhas in the role of Raghav, Kriti in the role of Janaki and Saif as Ravana. The film is expected to be released a day after the release of the Hollywood superhero film, The Flash.
Adipurush has been dubbed in several languages including Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam. According to a report, the estimated opening of Adhipurush in hindi is likely to be between Rs 25 crore and 30 crore. The number of tickets sold for the hindi version on the opening day so far is estimated to be 1.13 lakh in the multiplex chains INOX, PVR and Cinepolis.
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The film is predicted to be released on at least 4,000 screens in Hindi and 6,200 screens in all languages.
Besides, the competition from The Flash, Adhipurush is expected to have a smooth run at the box office. Satya Prem Ki Katha and Harrison Ford-starrer Hollywood biggie Indiana Jones: The Dial of Destiny will both release on June 29. Ajay Devgn-starrer sports drama Maidaan was scheduled to release on June 23, a week after Adipurush, but the film now stands postponed.
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