Assam Career : NIT Silchar Recruitment 2023

Applications are invited for various project based positions in National Institute of Technology (NIT) Silchar.

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Silchar is inviting applications from eligible candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the project entitled “Development of spatial map of available water resources with water quality index for the Barak River basin for drinking purposes along with the development of an indigenous household filtration system”

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Name of post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

No. of posts : 1

Essential qualifications : GATE qualified candidates with minimum M.Tech in the field of Water Resources Engineering or Environmental Engineering with B.Tech in Civil Engineering from
reputed Institutes

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Desirable Experience : Research/project experience in the field of water resources engineering or
environmental engineering, knowledge of water quality analysis, field water sample collection, GIS software, adsorption and filter development.

Age limit : Preferably below 30 Years.

Salary : Rs. 31,000/- per month (Excluding HRA/DA/TA)

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How to apply : Applicants are to submit their filled-up applications along with C.V. to the PI
accompanying photocopies of all relevant documents with self-attestation to the address: Dr. Briti Sundar Sil, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Silchar– 788010, Assam, India. Candidate should write “Application for the post of JRF under the project CRG/2022/008657”on the top of the envelope. Applicants are also requested to send the soft copy of the duly filled application along with C.V. & all necessary documents to the PI through email ([email protected]) with the subject as “Application for the post of JRF under the
projectCRG/2022/008657”on or before 01-04-2023

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