. Alka Mittal
Alka Mittal takes charge as Director (HR), ONGC. Image - Northeast Now

Alka Mittal has joined as the director (HR) of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited on Tuesday, a press communique received here stated.

A postgraduate in Economics, MBA (HRM) and Doctorate in Commerce and Business Studies, she joined ONGC as a graduate trainee in 1985 and brings with her an extremely rich experience spanning over three decades.
She is on the Board of ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Limited (OMPL) as ONGC nominee Director since August 2015.

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Prior to joining as Director (HR), Mittal held the post of Chief Skill Development (CSD) of the Company.

In her capacity as CSD she streamlined the activities and brought in uniformity in the working of the Skill Development Centres promoted or supported by ONGC.

During this period, she has also implemented Apprenticeship Training scheme in ONGC engaging more than 5000 apprentices across all work centres.

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Earlier, she has led the HR-ER functions in various capacities across regions including Vadodara, Mumbai, Delhi and Jorhat and was also the Head of Corporate Communications, Delhi during 2009.

She has a special penchant for training and mentoring and has trained more than 11000 graduate trainees of ONGC since 2001 on “Corporate Governance” as part of their induction programme.

As a senior HR specialist, Dr. Alka Mittal has made rich contributions in various professional forums and bodies.

She is an Executive Committee member of NIPM (National Institute of Personnel Management), and was President of Forum for Women in Public Sector (WIPs) Northern Region till recently and heads the Women’s Development Forum of ONGC.


Smita Bhattacharyya is Northeast Now Correspondent in Jorhat. She can be reached at: [email protected]