In a sensational incident, Lakhimpur police on Tuesday arrested three persons at Kimin in Lakhimpur district near Assam-Arunachal border with a human skull.

The three persons–Youbo Hmebrom, Uzgar and Urez Minz–were arrested by police at Kimin under Silaneebari Police Outpost of the district during regular checking with a human skull, allegedly of Nitul Hembrom of Harmutty, inside a bag.

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Police said the arrested trio later confessed that they had severed the head of Nitul, who was found dead inside Arunachal Pradesh after several days of his missing, and brought to perform the last rites as per Christian rituals.

Police, however, suspected that the skull might have been brought for ‘practicing witchcraft’ and black magic which are very common in the peripheral areas of the district.

Lack of medical care facilities and distance from the law enforcing machineries has been the reason for the rise of such practices in these areas.

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