A celibate of a hermitage in Guwahati on Wednesday filed an FIR at the Jalukbari PS following attack by miscreants on Tuesday night. The miscreants broke one CCTV and took away another installed at the Om Baba Ashram at Pandu Temple Ghat and tried to break the door of the room where the celibate lives in.
Talking to Northeast Now over phone Swami Purnabratananda aka Brahmachari Rajen Maharaj who is also the authorized attorney of the Ashram said, “It was at 11.40 on Tuesday night few miscreants entered in the premises of our Ashram. They broke one CCTV installed at the Ashram and then tried to break the door of my room. I was sleeping at that time and after hearing the sound I called up others residing in the Ashram. The miscreants then fled away towards the Art of Living Ashram adjacent to our Ashram.”
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Rajen Maharaj pointed an accusing finger at ‘some big organizations’ behind the attack. According to him some big religious organizations are trying to grab the land where the Ashram is located. “Many a time they have threatened me to leave the Ashram premises. I apprehend that this premeditated attack is the handiwork of organizations against whom I have filed civil suits for encroaching parts of Ashram’s land,” he said.
“I have filed an FIR and also requested the police to arrange necessary security for the Ashram but till now nothing concrete has been done,” he added.
Rajen Maharaj further informed that the Om Baba Ashram was set up 95 years back with its headquarter in Dibrugarh. He was made the legal attorney of the Ashram in 2010.
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