We have always been taught that drinking plenty of water is really good for health and keeping self-hydration is also important especially during summers.

If you do not drink enough water you may be dehydrated which can lead to considerable fatigue and lack of energy.

Excessive consumption of water may lead to health issues as well.

Here are five side effects of excess water consumption on your body

 Excessive water consumption may lead to Hyponatremia which may induce fluid overflow and imbalance in the body


Another reported issue is that too much water can lead to electrolyte levels in the body drop

Reduces Electrolytes in the body

Too much water can lead to a frequent urge to urinate as your kidneys tend to constantly function

Frequent urination

Excess water consumption can cause weariness and exhaustion

Makes you tired

Drinking too much-chlorinated water over a long period of time increases the risk of bladder and testicular cancer

Increases the risk of cancer